Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Let me know what you think! 

Thank you Ebinehita Ibojie... 

Hit her up for video editing and the like!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

"Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax"...

Why is this girl shouting on this bus? Just straight up projecting!

just be quiet please. Talk in a calm and civil manner, not like you're drunk on something at 2:30pm on a Saturday. 

Its just manners. You're a young lady... can you carry yourself with a measure of decorum and couth please?

I'd like to inform all 13 to 17 year olds -  its not cool to be rude, obnoxious, loud and just generally annoying.

Its much better to be sweet, polite and smiley :) 

I really dislike rudeness. 

One of the girl's comes on the bus and is like - "child all day."

If you see the way i frowned. I'm like, how expensive is the word 'please' that you cant afford it.

And her friend who asked after her even said please. Its not the fact that he's a busdriver or whatever, its the principle and for your own training and character. 

Oh so but when you see the queen you'll be tripping over your own knees to courtesy? Slightly hypocritical. 

Let's create a culture of manners!

Its for your own gooooddddd...

Two people come up to you. One is smiling, the other, expressionless. The smiley one greets you with a bright "good afternoon!"The other mumbles "hi." 

How are you? "fine." one says... "Im doing well thank you..." says the other. 

which of those people would you, personally, as a person, favour? 

Which one are you? (deep.) lol. :)

ps... could nae find any pics of politeness and manners ken, so use your imagination! ;) 

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


I talk alot. And thats ok. But sometimes you, well I, need to talk less about what im GOING to do, what i WANT to do, what i would LIKE to do and just do it.
Life is actually flying by? July actually went crazy fast. Can i get a witness?
So there really is no time to be wishing and just making vain babblings. 
Do what you said you would do and make your days count.Im talking to myself. ta
And lest this post be oxymoronic in nature, i shall stop talking now. 
Action More Talk Less. 

My cut leg.

So I searched online for blog topic ideas and I found a good one… “tell a story”. So I shall! Le’go ;)

Once upon an actual time, I was in my house. It was a normal Saturday morning when Dami and I had to tidy up.

It was ‘my week’ to do the sitting room… so I was there jamming, in my nightie, half watching corrie.

Its like 11am at this point. Mummy is in the kitchen on the phone. Dami is in the dining room, or ‘back room’ as we called it, hoovering.

So he comes in, and I stop dusting for a bit. We start chatting away, and lean lazily on the CAST IRON mantle piece, which sat majestically over the fire place.                                                

The next thing I know… Dami jumps back, I look down, I scream, I fall, I cry…

The mantle piece has fallen squarely on to my right foot, on my little toe.

Boys and reflexes! If u see mine now ehn! I just jump 2 feet back from any impending danger with all alacrity and speed mschew…

So, im crawling, (yes, I’m dramatic), towards the door…crying and mumbling about the blood or something and crying out to my mum…

She runs in, and is like, shocked. Lol Runs back, gets a kitchen towel and wraps it on my  foot…she tells me to hold it…

While she calls the ambulance. “Hello, can I get an ambulance please?” “whats the problem?” “my daughter has a cut leg”

? Cut leg though mum? Cut foot more like, and even the littlest of toes at that!

So the guy comes in, and scoops me into the ambulance. The drive there, he was busy trying to bust jokes… in my mind I was like mate! Can u stop talking and get me where I need to go??!!

Fast forward to the hospital bed. My doctor comes in, takes a look and is like, oh! She’ll need paper stitches or whatever. The way my mum was like errr no? if u take a closer look doctor! And she just pulls my toe apart to reveal how deep the cut is…

The pain… :’( it still psychologically hurts now…

So the doctor did the proper needling and threading of my tendons!

Dami, yeah remember him? Is behind the curtain in the operating room looking like a ghost and slightly whimpering. Im convinced he was crying.

That’s the story!

My cousins end up coming to the house and we all eat yam pottage lol.

There is no moral of the story other than have quick reflexes and wear appropriate footwear when delving into the dangerous world of dusting!