Friday, 9 September 2011

Show off!

Hey everyone, 

Ladies this is especially for us. 

Feeling a bit 'grieved' so to speak. I've seen some pictures of young ladies on Facebook that just don't seem to respect themselves and it makes me sad. 

Showing half your body or posing in ridiculously provocative poses or just generally looking a mess isn't becoming and its not attractive

As young women, please let us hold ourselves in high esteem. There are just some things not meant for the public eye, or even just done - like your legs wide apart in the air! *BBM can't watch face* 

In the Bible, it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19, that: "Don’t you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you."

So, say there was this world renowned great King and you were in charge of his palace. You'd make sure it was spotless right? Really tidy. You wouldn't allow just anyone to traipse through with dirty trainers clad with wet mud and grass - right? 

well thats who we are. We are God's palaces. Lets present ourselves in the best possible way, not just for ourselves, but also for the One Who lives in us. 

Here are some things we as ladies usually do but shouldn't:

wearing tops or dresses that really show breasts.
I have to admit that this is one of my pet peeves :( The saying 'if you have it, flaunt it' is flawed. You not flaunting it does not take away from the fact that you have it. To be honest ladies, it attracts attention. But what kind? i'm sorry if i seem to bring it back to men but its pretty much the main reason why its done. Sure, he may gawp, but i have heard it said time and time again, that such a girl or woman, would not be the type the guy would want to take to mum. 
Believe me, dressing 'pem' and hot is where its at... with dignity and pride in your belongings lol. 

wearing short skirts and dresses. 
Maybe because i'm on the bigger side, I have never been able to bring myself to wear short short clothes. But size isn't even stopping some nowadays! Whatever your size, wearing overly short clothes to show off your legs also doesn't present the best of images. Note how i say overly. Im not a prude...
but I think a line should start getting drawn as the envelope is getting pushed too much. What a Tim from Apprentice moment! ;) Its about self evaluation. Lets be honest when with look in the mirror, i think we know when what we are wearing is not appropriate. 

wearing tight clothes
OK. so this last one i too have been guilty. Praise God for skinny jeans! someone shout halleluyah. But SKINny jeans? as if its your skin? Yo, its tight. Every contour of our lives just on show lol. No but seriously, lets help our brothers in Christ to not sin. Theres a verse brethren. Turn your bibles to ... well dont know where it is but it says if you cause your brother to sin - as per sexually, his 'blood' will be on your hands. God help us IJN. 

so thats all ladies, i think the important things to remember are that Jesus loves us (see previous post) and we are His temples. 

Love yourself enough to decide that look, i'm not going to put my body on show for attention, approval or (where my thesauras at?) ... accolades? :s

You = goes on. Show THESE things off. 

Monday, 5 September 2011

Who loves me? Jesus.


Ok, so. I'd like to blog. 

I have learnt something pretty recently which is... 

as much as you are a great, beautiful, witty, caring, intelligent (stop it Demi, im blushing) person, you cannot, i repeat, cannot, coerce, cajole or convince a member of the opposite gender to like you. 

Going out of your way and acting in a manner that you feel will attract them is not attractive and sadly i've been there. 

The best thing to do my people, is be to be yourself. 

Don't pretend to be into a certain hobby of theirs so you can get in about lol. 

There is no other human being in existence that is like you. You may not be that guy's cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, or you may not make that girl just melt when you're around but...

One day, there will be a person that will love God and love the you that God made. 

in the meantime, 

Keep loving on Jesus - He loves you more than anyone can. 


Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Let me know what you think! 

Thank you Ebinehita Ibojie... 

Hit her up for video editing and the like!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

"Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax"...

Why is this girl shouting on this bus? Just straight up projecting!

just be quiet please. Talk in a calm and civil manner, not like you're drunk on something at 2:30pm on a Saturday. 

Its just manners. You're a young lady... can you carry yourself with a measure of decorum and couth please?

I'd like to inform all 13 to 17 year olds -  its not cool to be rude, obnoxious, loud and just generally annoying.

Its much better to be sweet, polite and smiley :) 

I really dislike rudeness. 

One of the girl's comes on the bus and is like - "child all day."

If you see the way i frowned. I'm like, how expensive is the word 'please' that you cant afford it.

And her friend who asked after her even said please. Its not the fact that he's a busdriver or whatever, its the principle and for your own training and character. 

Oh so but when you see the queen you'll be tripping over your own knees to courtesy? Slightly hypocritical. 

Let's create a culture of manners!

Its for your own gooooddddd...

Two people come up to you. One is smiling, the other, expressionless. The smiley one greets you with a bright "good afternoon!"The other mumbles "hi." 

How are you? "fine." one says... "Im doing well thank you..." says the other. 

which of those people would you, personally, as a person, favour? 

Which one are you? (deep.) lol. :)

ps... could nae find any pics of politeness and manners ken, so use your imagination! ;) 

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


I talk alot. And thats ok. But sometimes you, well I, need to talk less about what im GOING to do, what i WANT to do, what i would LIKE to do and just do it.
Life is actually flying by? July actually went crazy fast. Can i get a witness?
So there really is no time to be wishing and just making vain babblings. 
Do what you said you would do and make your days count.Im talking to myself. ta
And lest this post be oxymoronic in nature, i shall stop talking now. 
Action More Talk Less. 

My cut leg.

So I searched online for blog topic ideas and I found a good one… “tell a story”. So I shall! Le’go ;)

Once upon an actual time, I was in my house. It was a normal Saturday morning when Dami and I had to tidy up.

It was ‘my week’ to do the sitting room… so I was there jamming, in my nightie, half watching corrie.

Its like 11am at this point. Mummy is in the kitchen on the phone. Dami is in the dining room, or ‘back room’ as we called it, hoovering.

So he comes in, and I stop dusting for a bit. We start chatting away, and lean lazily on the CAST IRON mantle piece, which sat majestically over the fire place.                                                

The next thing I know… Dami jumps back, I look down, I scream, I fall, I cry…

The mantle piece has fallen squarely on to my right foot, on my little toe.

Boys and reflexes! If u see mine now ehn! I just jump 2 feet back from any impending danger with all alacrity and speed mschew…

So, im crawling, (yes, I’m dramatic), towards the door…crying and mumbling about the blood or something and crying out to my mum…

She runs in, and is like, shocked. Lol Runs back, gets a kitchen towel and wraps it on my  foot…she tells me to hold it…

While she calls the ambulance. “Hello, can I get an ambulance please?” “whats the problem?” “my daughter has a cut leg”

? Cut leg though mum? Cut foot more like, and even the littlest of toes at that!

So the guy comes in, and scoops me into the ambulance. The drive there, he was busy trying to bust jokes… in my mind I was like mate! Can u stop talking and get me where I need to go??!!

Fast forward to the hospital bed. My doctor comes in, takes a look and is like, oh! She’ll need paper stitches or whatever. The way my mum was like errr no? if u take a closer look doctor! And she just pulls my toe apart to reveal how deep the cut is…

The pain… :’( it still psychologically hurts now…

So the doctor did the proper needling and threading of my tendons!

Dami, yeah remember him? Is behind the curtain in the operating room looking like a ghost and slightly whimpering. Im convinced he was crying.

That’s the story!

My cousins end up coming to the house and we all eat yam pottage lol.

There is no moral of the story other than have quick reflexes and wear appropriate footwear when delving into the dangerous world of dusting!

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Revive Your body God!

Hey everyone,

so I'm sitting here watching GOD Channel. a programme called the Ramp and its so deep. Thousands of young people worshipping God in Alabama... so on fire for Jesus and i'm so humbled...


sometimes we find ourselves living in a box, putting one kind of copyright on God. The majority of the people are white, but thats not  the issue. what i'm saying is, God is the father of all. His spirit moves everywhere, not just your church.

Lets stop thinking God ONLY moves in our small, pentecostal, black, african churches. For sure He does. He's moving half way across the world too.

He is so awesome, His presence so sweet.

We are one in Christ. white, black, asian, old, young... if You belong to the body of Christ, we are brothers and sisters. 

Hmmm just caught a rev lol, a body is whole right. you don't have limbs just jamming up and down road, see one hand over there, one leg on the other side of the street and call it a 'body'. yes there are hands, legs, etc, but its a body, a collective, one.

thats what we Christians are.

Lets stop dividing and separating ourselves. it doesn't matter the name of your church or denomination or branch, we are one.
 Ministered in a worship programme tonight called the King and i. One thing that i loved was that we were all from different churches, but we had one vision - to worship Jehovah.

Lord, we ask for a revival.

Revive the body of Christ to look past race, denomination, culture and all other man made barriers. Revive our attitudes and mindsets.

Unite us so that we can revive our cities together. And the people say?! Lerrit be. (Amen). 

Yo, does the Bible not say a house divided against itself cant stand?   Matthew 12:25

Monday, 25 July 2011

Make a day of it!

Today was a great day!

Hung out with my closest friends... had a girly day out, shopping, lunch and then a film...

Quick shout out to them, for being friends that inspire, encourage and challenge! 

lol... life is full of lessons. 

Learnt one today myself... be bold to speak up when you disagree with a statement or decision... it saves a lot of stress! Keeping quiet in fear of offending people doesn't really work... just speak up especially when you know you're right! 

Also! learnt that you really do only have one life to live in this life! so... take risks. be bold. enjoy it. Why play it safe?  

do that 'crazy' hairstyle, buy that bright nail varnish lol... 

Live a little!

Everyday we should jump out of bed and... 

                                              MAKE.A.DAY.OF.IT :) 

 P.S. not had the internet for the past few days. Thank God for the World Wide Web! 


Thursday, 21 July 2011

10 steps to become a terrible friend!

1. Make snide remarks every time you see your friend. without fail. Your friend should be put down at all times. Who needs encouragement?

2. Belittle every dream, vision and plan your friend has. If they tell you their hopes for the future, laugh heartily and categorically inform them that it will never happen. 

3. Refuse outright to do anything for your friend, even little things that you have the capacity to do. Just say no. They have hands and legs!
4. Talk incessantly about your friend behind their back. Tell all who care to listen about their secrets. There is love in sharing...

5. Always lie to your friend. When they do things wrong, do not tell them. Never give advice or urge them to rethink a decision. Just nod, agree and watch gleefully as they make a mistake. 

6. Continually make your friend attend to your every whim and fancy. If they refuse to serve you, tell them what a terrible friend they are. Send them on errands and ignore the fact that they too have a life to live. 

7. Ignore your friend as much as you can get away with. Do NOT be quick to respond to any form of message. Hardly spend time together. It really is such an effort.  

8. Consistently hold grudges against your friend. Keep a detailed record, preferably in eXcel, with precise dates and times. Always bring up the past, its good for their memory...
              9. Repeatedly  be disrespectful to those your friend holds dear. Parents, siblings and other friends. You’re not directly friends with them so why be kind?!
10. Make sure you wish your friend all the bad in the world. They should not succeed because attention will not be on you. Try with all your might to ensure that they do not achieve their destiny or reach their eternal rest. 
If, and only if, you follow these steps religiously, you are well on your way to becoming a terrible friend! :|


Restraint has been my buzzword for the past few days. It means to hold back, to exercise control and ‘hinderance of the will’. Wow.
Emotions are wild little things arent they? Anger, Lust, love, sadness, joy… all can grab one with such a ferocious grip that we often get lost in them.
I, Demi Gbenle, am an emotional person and for the most part, have allowed emotions to dictate my mood and actions. Ok so someone with a name close to mine bar a different vowel,  annoys with one innocuous statement. Im angry. instead of getting over it in 5 minutes and being a happy person of life, i (used to by God’s grace) go into one rage, slapping on potential statements and past scenarios, all culminating in violent words and ending in a genuine, physical headache lol.
What am i saying? I could have chosen to take the emotion of anger, massage it a bit, if it all, and put it in the bin. We can choose how we react when emotions come. Thats where restraint comes in. People, my dear people, can be stressful. I know you find me stressful at times, as do i, you :p. But restraint is vital in all our human relations.
Number aParents. Parents can be difficult, #NoRudeness, Its just the truth. But we should exercise restraint in the way we talk to our parents, they aren’t our ‘mates’. So the next time you feel an *i hate you, slam door* coming on, RESTRAIN yourself. Hold back the rude response and breathe.                                    
part 2Friends. Great tools to survive in this jungle called life. lets all take a moment to thank God for friends. *Amen* but friends can annoy. Alie? Friends can vex, frustrate and upset us. in those hopefully rare occasions, restraint is great. Hmm, this just came to mind. Restraint may be slightly more vital in friendships than with family, because blood cant bedisregarded. Friendships can. So when you are just hot with anger, your heart is racing, ready to knock his block off or ready to give her a piece of your mind and foot, pause for a hot minute and restrain yourself.

If you need to not reply that text for a bit, dont. carry your legs and walk away when the argument is getting heated. Hold your right fist in your left hand and massage it gently lol. RESTRAIN yourself.
erm, 3. lolpeople you know, like, fancy. Woi, this is neccestrrry! to the max. yeah, so he’s so like super cute, even like seeing his name on fb just makes your tummy go in knots. I cant write from the guys perspective because frankly, i dont get them lol but im sure they have parallel feelings.
Anyway, please, lets exercise restraint. Listen, im preaching to myself so dont start thinking ehn you dont even understand, cos i really do. Its hard but in the end it pays off. why? Because if the ‘feelings’ arent recip’d, we may not be as hurt as when we have text till our thumbs are mere nubs and frankly, embarrassed ourselves.
And also, one ideology i hear kicking about is that guys like to pursue. So if you’re just ‘all up in his grill’, he wont have any work to do!
thats it. Restraint. I urge you to practice it in whichever way you need to…
Proverbs 17:27: A man of knowledge uses words with restraint…
Galatians 5:23: …gentleness and self-control. There                                                                                         is no law against such things.