Friday, 9 September 2011

Show off!

Hey everyone, 

Ladies this is especially for us. 

Feeling a bit 'grieved' so to speak. I've seen some pictures of young ladies on Facebook that just don't seem to respect themselves and it makes me sad. 

Showing half your body or posing in ridiculously provocative poses or just generally looking a mess isn't becoming and its not attractive

As young women, please let us hold ourselves in high esteem. There are just some things not meant for the public eye, or even just done - like your legs wide apart in the air! *BBM can't watch face* 

In the Bible, it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19, that: "Don’t you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you."

So, say there was this world renowned great King and you were in charge of his palace. You'd make sure it was spotless right? Really tidy. You wouldn't allow just anyone to traipse through with dirty trainers clad with wet mud and grass - right? 

well thats who we are. We are God's palaces. Lets present ourselves in the best possible way, not just for ourselves, but also for the One Who lives in us. 

Here are some things we as ladies usually do but shouldn't:

wearing tops or dresses that really show breasts.
I have to admit that this is one of my pet peeves :( The saying 'if you have it, flaunt it' is flawed. You not flaunting it does not take away from the fact that you have it. To be honest ladies, it attracts attention. But what kind? i'm sorry if i seem to bring it back to men but its pretty much the main reason why its done. Sure, he may gawp, but i have heard it said time and time again, that such a girl or woman, would not be the type the guy would want to take to mum. 
Believe me, dressing 'pem' and hot is where its at... with dignity and pride in your belongings lol. 

wearing short skirts and dresses. 
Maybe because i'm on the bigger side, I have never been able to bring myself to wear short short clothes. But size isn't even stopping some nowadays! Whatever your size, wearing overly short clothes to show off your legs also doesn't present the best of images. Note how i say overly. Im not a prude...
but I think a line should start getting drawn as the envelope is getting pushed too much. What a Tim from Apprentice moment! ;) Its about self evaluation. Lets be honest when with look in the mirror, i think we know when what we are wearing is not appropriate. 

wearing tight clothes
OK. so this last one i too have been guilty. Praise God for skinny jeans! someone shout halleluyah. But SKINny jeans? as if its your skin? Yo, its tight. Every contour of our lives just on show lol. No but seriously, lets help our brothers in Christ to not sin. Theres a verse brethren. Turn your bibles to ... well dont know where it is but it says if you cause your brother to sin - as per sexually, his 'blood' will be on your hands. God help us IJN. 

so thats all ladies, i think the important things to remember are that Jesus loves us (see previous post) and we are His temples. 

Love yourself enough to decide that look, i'm not going to put my body on show for attention, approval or (where my thesauras at?) ... accolades? :s

You = goes on. Show THESE things off. 

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